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Triple P Discussion Groups – resolutions to commonly encountered parenting problems

What is a Triple P Discussion Group P DISCUSSION GROUP?

Triple P Discussion Groups are online and face to face workshops for parents or carers of children aged 18 months- 8 years.

The Triple P Discussion Groups include a series of 4 themed stand alone 2 hour workshops, where parents have discussions to look for resolutions to commonly encountered parenting problems. The workshops provide an overview of positive parenting principles and benefit those where concerns are about low-key or mild to moderate behavioural issues.

‘Triple P’ programmes don’t aim to tell you how to parent, but instead offer you a toolbox of ideas which you can use to create a strategy for managing behavioural issues in your children.


No referral needed.


See when our next sessions are available on our timetable and book  via our website

Download our Triple P information sheet here

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