Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



The Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge – The Silly Squad .

This year it will be different. It will be a digital offer.

Children can join the challenge on the Reading Agency website.


The new platform provides a fun, immersive and safe environment for children to achieve their reading goals and explore the Silly Squad theme.

  • Children must create a free account to take part, this is a simple process and requires approval by an adult (via email). The Reading Agency are required by law to use this two-step authentication process for children under the age of 16.
  • Although you must have an account to take part in the actual Challenge, lots of other content will be available on the website for everyone to explore.
  • Children taking part will be asked to set their own reading goal.  However, The Reading Agency will still be suggesting six books as the best goal to try for.
  • Digital certificates can be printed out. No physical materials will be used.

Lewisham Libraries offer:

Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LewishamSillySquad/?source_id=16451686911

Here we will encourage children to join the challenge by going to the Reading Agency website.

Help children find ebooks and eaudio books.

Provide an alternative fun and interesting online experience.


Some of the content the children will find on our Facebook Group

·         A weekly books recommendation from our ebooks.

·         Tell us a Joke – On twitter, video clips. All compiled into a blog at the end of the summer. Prizes

·         Games

·         Craft sessions

·         Story telling

·         Competitions

If you need more information about our free e-books and w-audio books please go to the Lewisham website or contact us

Children (and adults) can join Lewisham Libraries online and start borrowing ebooks free straight away. There are never any overdues or fines.



or use the apps Libby, RBDigital and Borrowbox


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