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Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023

The Kings College Hospital Oral Health Promotion team will be hosting a Q and A session via Zoom for parents and carers on: Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/82637929602?pwd=bU9ZcWlhZ2hEY3VHWjJBL2cxU2VIdz09 Thursday 15th June at 2.00pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/86455649450?pwd=eWx6NnNYcHJ3UzBsWFpyYjg3cHdHZz09 Join them for a friendly and interactive session on how to look after your child’s teeth.      

Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023 Read More »

Single Parents Day 2023

March 21st marked Single Parents Day 2023. Gingerbread, the UK Single Parent’s Charity have carried out research to produce an up-to-date picture of what it means to be a single parent in the UK in 2023. The findings are stark – the cost-of-living crisis has disproportionately impacted single parents, who are finding it harder and harder

Single Parents Day 2023 Read More »

Home is where the start is: an online family festival of fun and learning

During this fun family event, which will take place via Zoom, we will share information and advice about how parents and carers of under-fives can support children’s learning and development at home through lots of exciting sessions for them and their children. Activities will include fun communication and language sessions, easy money-saving cookery ideas that

Home is where the start is: an online family festival of fun and learning Read More »

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