Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Support from Athena over Christmas

Christmas can be a difficult time for families but if you and your children are not safe this Christmas there is help available here in Lewisham.

Athena can help; Women and girls aged over 13, Men aged 16 or older and anyone who identifies as Transgender and identifies as male, female, as another gender, or is questioning their gender identity.

They can help you:

  • Talk to someone who understands what you are going through
  • Receive support with contacting the police
  • Move away from the area
  • Access a refuge
  • Stay at home, but want to find out how you can keep safe
  • Receive support if you are considering going to court
  • Access legal advice
  • Manage your financial situation
  • Find out about support networks in your community
  • Get specialist support for your children

If you’re in Lewisham, call the Athena Service on 0800 112 4052 or email lewishamvawg@refuge.org.uk

If you are worried about a friend or family member

It’s not always easy to know how to support a friend or loved one who is experiencing domestic violence or other forms of violence. But you can make a difference. You can learn how to recognise the signs of abuse and find out how to support them. The safety of your friend or loved one – and their children – is paramount. Talk to them about how they can stay safe. You could:

  • Agree a code word so they can signal when she is in danger and needs you to get help
  • Find out about services which could support them locally
  • Offer to keep a spare set of keys for them or important documents, such as passports, bank account details and benefit information so that they can access them quickly in an emergency
  • Keep a log of the abusive incidents; encourage them to visit the GP and keep copies of emails and texts
  • Encourage them to call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline to discuss safety planning

Remember, in an emergency and if you fear for your friend’s safety, always call 999.

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