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Struggling to Pay Your Energy Bills?

South East London Community Energy

We have all seen an increase in our energy bills over the last few months and with fuel costs likely to continue to rise it’s reassuring to know that there’s help out there if you are struggling to pay your bills or worried about what further increases may mean for your finance. South East London Community Energy may be able to help you


You are not alone. There are over 20,000 households in fuel poverty in Greenwich and Lewisham. SELCE has given training or support to almost 4,000 individuals and homes and helped them make over £100,000 in savings that reduced their CO2 emissions by tons. Literally.

If you are struggling with your energy costs or would like information on how to reduce your energy bills or choose more efficient energy providers SELCE can help. They can give you advice on switching energy companies to save money, grants, other discounts and services to help vulnerable households and energy efficiency, what to do with energy bill arrears, advice on funding to get first-time gas central heating and what to do to save water in the home. They can also help with getting financial help for certain eligible households, or how to apply to have water-related arrears cleared.



Energy advice and training

  • A home visit: We can offer a FREE energy advice home visit if you have a low income and high energy costs. Call 0808 169 1779 to request a home visit. Please note these consultations are currently being conducted online for the safety and welfare of our staff and clients.
  • An energy cafe: We offer five energy cafes that give independent energy advice over a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Please note that our energy cafes have now ended until Winter 2020.
  • Training for community groups: we can provide a workshop for your clients or service users or a one-to-one advice desk for your event. To request a workshop please email eliza@selce.org.uk
  • Empowering Elders: this project provides champion training for 5 older people organisations in Lewisham and home visits to help their members, clients, and users to save energy and money
  • DIY energy action:  here you’ll find a useful list of web links that help you to save money and keep your home warmer in winter.
Additional help for older people, families with young children, or those with disabilities

Many energy companies have a Priority Service Register which gives special attention to vulnerable people including those who are disabled, elderly or under five years old.

If you are on this register, you will be given emergency electricity in the event of a power cut and the energy company may arrange for an engineer to read your meter if you cannot access it yourself. For more information, contact your energy company directly.


The Benefits Entitlement Checker  enables you to make sure you are not missing out on any entitlements.

Get useful advice on saving energy and keeping your home warmer with the home energy check tool.

Book a free telephone consultation now, by calling 0808 169 1779, or get in touch via email at energy.advice@selce.org.uk. To help us give you the best advice, please have your most recent fuel bills to hand



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