
Welcome to theย Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Preventing Accidents at Home

With children at home over the coming weeks and the NHS overwhelmed, many families are likely to be worried about their child having a serious accident (rightly so when you think 90% of accidents to under 5โ€™s happen at home!).ย 

There is so much on social media, it can beย really hardย to know where to focus. To help you, CAPT have focused on the accidents that are the most serious and the easiest to prevent.ย 

90% of the most serious preventable accidents to the under-fives fall into five main areas:ย 

  1. Threats to breathing โ€“ choking, strangulation or suffocationย 
  2. Falls
  3. Poisoningย 
  4. Burns and scaldsย 
  5. Drowningย 

See their website site for lots of useful information on preventing accidents.ย 


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