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Parenting during Covid-19

We’re in complicated and uncertain times and families face many challenges and uncertainty 

With this in mind, we have put together some links to information from charities and organisations to support you with any parenting issues you might be experiencing or if your child’s display any behaviour you are finding challenging at this time. 

You can also contact Lewisham Children and Family Centres for support by filling out the online enquiry form on the website homepage.  


COVID-19 represents a challenge to families around the world that is unlike anything we have ever experienced. Most parents when confronted with a highly stressful situation like this have a basic concern for the wellbeing and safety of their children.  

To care for children effectively, parents must also look after themselves and Triple Parenting have produced two documents:    

Parenting During Covid-19 

Top Tips for Parents (Triple P)  


There are lots of possible reasons for difficult behaviour in toddlers and young children. Often it’s just because they’re tired, hungry, overexcited, frustrated or bored. The NHS website has information on dealing with difficult behaviour. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/dealing-with-difficult-behaviour/ 


The National Autistic Society has latest guidance and handy tips for autistic people and families during this time of uncertainty. https://www.autism.org.uk/services/helplines/coronavirus/resources.aspx 


The Institute of Health Visiting is dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of all families and are putting together links and resources from trusted organisations and websites to support you during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will be developing and adding new resources to support families over the coming months, during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond. https://ihv.org.uk/families/parenting-through-coronavirus-covid-19/ 


The NSPCC has created a new webpage with information and advice for parents or carers who are worried a child or young person may be struggling with their mental health or has anxiety about Coronavirus. 

The webpage includes information on: 

  • talking about feelings and worries 
  • keeping in touch and balancing screen time 
  • ways to create structure and routine 
  • and helping to give children a sense of control 

NSPCC – Talking to a child worried about coronavirus. 


Mary Gorden, founder of Roots of Empathy, has posted a video about helping children to deal with the anxiety around Corona Virus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBuuax9MJSU 


Television news reports, newspaper headlines and of course conversations at home are dominated by the latest developments in this fast-moving global health emergency. 

Consequently, it is inevitable that even very young children will pick up on the levels of anxiety around them about the virus, even if they do not fully understand the context of the current situation. 

Therefore, it is important you respond to any concerns that children express in a sensitive and age-appropriate manner.  

This post from Family Corner talks about answering children’s questions about Coronavirus. https://www.familycorner.co.uk/talking-children-about-coronavirus 


Dr Dawn Bradley has put together this ACTIVITY MENU pdf document to help families structure their time while children are at home. 

The menu is an aid to help you think about how you could structure your time, there is no right or wrong and you can add your own ideas and have fun trying new things! 


We hope these links are useful but if you require any support you can also contact Lewisham Children and Family Centres for support by filling out the online enquiry form on the website homepage. 

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