Welcome to the Lewisham Children and Family Centre Website



Our Impact and Reports

Below are some of the reports and videos we have made that show the impact of our work with families across Lewisham

You can view our previous Annual Reports via the links below:

We have produced a series of Impact Reports and Reviews to highlight various aspects of our work.

Click on the reports below to download

In these videos parents and carers talk about the experiences of attending OWL Babies, Triple P courses and or volunteering programme.

OWL Babies Feedback

Triple P Parenting Course Feedback

Me and My Community Course

Read our reports and watch our infographics on our Domestic Abuse Recovery Service

In these videos children talk about their experiences attending our CODA

Parents share their experiences of attending the programme

Prevent Protect Repair Online Report 2021

Prevent Protect
Repair Report 2021

Prevent Protect Repair
Infographic 2021

DA Recovery Service
Report 2023

DA Recovery Service
Infographic 2023

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