Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Mindfulness Online Sessions for Families start soon

Hello my name is Cordelle Parkinson.  I am a Community Outreach Worker, and my role is to support families to access activities delivered by Lewisham Children & Family Centres.

We thought it would be nice to share with you some fantastic ideas for mindfulness and relaxation, that you could do at home with your children via Zoom.

Some young children may not have the skills necessary to cope with the stresses that life presents to them and this can have a big impact on their learning and development.  It is important to encourage and promote good mental health now.  These activities will focus on breathing and the use of our five senses.

The online sessions will cover 5 mindfulness exercises for adults and children:

  • Finger breathing (strengthen your superpowers of focus and calm by taking slow deep breaths as you trace the outline of your hand with your pointer finger)
  • Basic Yoga Poses (very simple Yoga stretches for adults and children)
  • Listening Games (encourages good listening and following instructions)
  • Visualisation (helps children to quiet their mind, relax and get to a state of calm)
  • Counting Breaths (watch how our bodies move when you lie flat and breathe)


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