Statistically, children are most at risk of fatality or significant harm in the first few years of life. Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership aim to raise awareness of the risks to babies and infants to help keep them safe.
Their new Keeping Babies Safe page provides parents and care givers with information, advice and access to further support in relation to:
- Water and Bath Safety
- Coping with Crying
- Safer Sleep
- Your Health Visiting Service
- Useful Links
Resources for parents who may need support or equipment for their baby
To translate the new Keeping Babies Safe page into your home language, click on the Select Language button at the very top of the page and click the down arrow and select your preferred language.
If you have any concerns about your baby or you’re worried about your mental health or emotional wellbeing please contact your GP or Health Visitor. If you or your baby are in immediate danger or there is a risk to either of your health please phone 999.