Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Let’s talk about – Childhood immunisations

Hi Everyone

My name is Patricia. I am a Family Outreach Worker with Lewisham Children & Family Centres.  My role is to support parents and carers to access local activities and children centre services.

How are you all doing? Good I hope. Let’s talk about – Childhood immunisations.

Immunisation is the best way to protect babies against many childhood illnesses. There are several routine vaccinations offered to your child from the age of eight weeks and they continue on up until your child is fourteen year old.

Routine Immunisations are scheduled at the follow ages:

  • Eight weeks
  • Twelve weeks
  • Sixteen weeks
  • One year
  • Three years and four months
  • Twelve years
  • Fourteen years

For information on how these vaccines are given and what diseases they protect against, please view the schedules of immunisation clink on the link below:

Update on universal BCG vaccination

From September 2020, the BCG vaccination will no longer be offered universally to all babies. However, the BCG vaccine will still be given to babies/families who are:

  • From high-risk countries for Tuberculosis (TB);
  • More likely than others to come into contact with TB;
  • Considered high risk based on health conditions

For more information you can contact the BCG helpline on 0203 049 1593 or speak with your GP or a health professional.


Flu Vaccine for 2 & 3 Year Olds


All 2 & 3 year olds are entitled to a free flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is given as a nasal spray and protects your child against 4 main strains of influenza (flu) predicted to be in circulation this winter.


Why vaccinate? 30-50% of children are infected with flu and can spread the infection for up to 7 days; vaccinating your child reduces the risk of flu for family members, childcare providers and other children.

Contact your GP practice for your child’s free Flu vaccine!

Have you missed any scheduled immunisations?

If you have missed any of the scheduled immunisations; or have any questions regarding immunisation, contact your GP surgery for advice or to book an appointment.

Useful websites:

Children Centre Activities

I hope the above information was useful to you. To register with our children centres or for more information about other children centre activities and other services please contact us via our ‘Contact Us’ page.

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