Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



It’s World Autism Awareness Week 2023

It’s 60 years since a group of parents of autistic children founded the National Autistic Society to fight for autistic people’s rights.


What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. One in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK.



If you, your child or family member have been diagnosed with autism there’s lots of help and information at the National Autistic Society for you and your family on topics such as:

Being the parent or carer of someone with autism though rewarding, can feel challenging at times but there are local groups which can help you and your child navigate your new normal.


Download the Top Tips for helping Autistic People sheet

With the help of autistic people and their families, the National Autistic Society has created some handy tips on how to help the autistic people in your life.


Are a mutual support group for the families of autistic children and young people (ages 0-25) living in the London borough of Lewisham. Established in 1993 by a small group of parents, from the original dozen families we are now over 400. They provide access to inclusive activities such as trampolining and swimming and trips for families to socialise in a non-judgemental environment.


National Autistic Society - Leading UK charity for Autistic people Lewisham Autism Support

The service provides support, advice and information to families who have children with an autism, autism spectrum or Asperger syndrome diagnosis.

It aims to:

  • Help families to learn more about autism and gain confidence in meeting their child’s needs.
  • Offer a chance to think and talk with someone who will understand.
  • Provide information on: autism, national and local services, voluntary groups, and related issues such as benefits.
  • Run occasional courses, workshops and offer practical advice.

Referrals to the service are made by the diagnosing paediatrician for families with a child up to age 18 years with an autism diagnosis. It is primarily for people with a recent diagnosis but support can be offered at other times as well.

  • Contact: Catherine Spain – Family Support Coordinator, Gurjit Harding / Liz Gould
  • Telephone:020 8699 3066 or email: lewisham.familysupport@nas.org.uk


The Drumbeat Outreach schools team offers a termly calendar of workshops on a range of topics, strategies and interventions to support the needs of parents and carers. All free sessions are aimed at parents, family members and carers living with and supporting individuals with social communication difficulties, including children and young people with a diagnosis of ASD. The workshops aim to provide a safe place to discuss your child’s strengths and needs with other parents and to share some practical strategies and top tips!:

  • Developing Independence in Self-Care and Hygiene
  • Understanding Sensory Behaviours
  • Exploring the Barriers to Eating and Drinking
  • Developing Attention for Children with Social Communication Differences
  • Neurodiverstity drop-in
  • Women and girls with autism
  • Dads Group
  • Managing adolescence
  • Anxiety
  • Gender dysphoria
The venue is:
Drumbeat School Brockley
Revelon Road
SE4 2PRTo book a place on a workshop:

  • Contact: Outreach admin Telephone: 0207 635 9022
  • email: outreach.admin@drumbeat.lewisham.sch.uk
Financial Help
Having a child on the spectrum can have an impact on your finances. Many parents and carers feel uncomfortable about applying for benefits but they can make a huge difference, especially if you have had to give up work or change your working hours to care for your child, are on a low income or a single parent.  There are lots of benefits that you may be entitled to such as:


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