Over the last few years many of us have been much more aware of the role plastics play in our affecting our environment. This July join us in looking at how we can reduce plastic use in our daily lives.
Lunch boxes
Taking your own lunch to work or school is a great way to start. Buying reuseable lunch boxes for you and your family means less plastic from pre-packed sandwiches, biscuits and cake bars. It’s also much more cost effective. Helping your child choose their lunchbox and prepare what goes in it is a great way to teach your child about healthy choices and why we are trying to use less plastic. Taking your own lunch with you is also a great way to save money, use up leftovers and protect the environment.
Try a Plastic Free or Zero Waste Shop to buy in bulk and refill items
Refilling your own containers and buying without packaging is a great way to shop less often and buy exactly the amount you need. We’re lucky enough to have several plastic free shops in the borough. Climate Action Lewisham have put together a list (and map) of local low and zero waste shops which is a great way to try and shop more sustainably locally. Why not pop down with some containers and see what they have to offer ?
Use refillable cups and water bottles
In the UK around 10,400 water bottles a minute are either landfilled, incinerated or littered. Using refillable cups and water bottles when you’re out can make a huge difference to plastic waste. There are also many places to refill your water battle. Download the refill app to find out more.
Switching to reusable nappies & wipes
The average baby gets through 4,000 disposable nappies by the time they’re potty-trained, costing £400 a year and creating the equivalent of half a tonne of carbon dioxide. Experts claim disposable nappies take up to 500 years to break down.
Although it can be daunting Real Nappies for London can help you understand what you need to get started using reusable nappies. You may find it useful joining one of our online reusable nappy demonstrations for a visual introduction into reusable nappies and how to use, wash and dry them. If you need one-to-one reusable nappy advice you can fill out the contact form below or give us a call on 0203 150 2023. You can also email your questions: info@realnappiesforlondon.org.uk.
Much of the plastic in our homes is made up of our children’s toys. Here are a few ways to reduce and reuse toys.
Let friends and family know you are trying to go plastic free
Encouraging friends and family to buy wooden or toys made with recycled materials is a great way to minimise plastic in your home. You could set up a wish list at an online store or with plastic free retailers to receive some great educational toys and gifts for your child that will last a lifetime and can be reused when you are finished with them.
Joining Lewisham Toy Library is a great way to ensure your child has lots of variety and can learn through lots of different types of play. It also helps reduce plastic production. You can try out different types of toy and seasonal outdoor toys without having to keep them all year saving money as well as space. They are currently open by appointment, book an appointment here. You can also get in touch with them at librarian@lewishamtoylibrary.org.uk
Joining local groups on social media to swap or buy toys and games that your child or local children have grown out of is a great way to recycle. Toys are often very low priced or even free! This limits the need for new toys to be made and is a really cost effective way of having new toys and challenges for your child.