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How to attract butterflies to your garden – The Wildlife Trust

As the weather warms up and we spend a little more time each day out and about we’re beginning to see more butterflies. Their vibrant colours add excitement to our gardens and outdoor spaces, but did you know they are are helpful pollinators transferring pollen between flowers, plants and shrubs?


Here are some common flowers and plants that will attract butterflies (some of them are weeds which is very handy!)



Host plant

Comma Stinging nettlehop, currants
Common blue bird’s-foot-trefoil
Dingy skipper bird’s-foot-trefoilhorseshoe vetch
Green-veined white Hedge mustardcuckooflower, nasturtium
Holly blue Hollyivy
Large skipper Cock’s-foot, false brome
Large white Cultivated varieties of Brassica oleracea, such as cabbage and brussel-sprouts, nasturtium, wild mignonette
Meadow brown Grasses: fescues, meadow-grasses and bents
Orange-tip Cuckooflowergarlic mustard, honesty
Painted lady Thistlesstinging nettle
Peacock Stinging nettle
Red admiral Stinging nettlehop
Ringlet Cock’s-foot, false brome, tufted hair-grass, common couch
Small copper Common sorrel, sheep’s sorrel
Small skipper Yorkshire-fog
Small tortoiseshell Stinging nettle, small nettle
Small white Cultivated varieties of Brassica oleracea, such as cabbage, nasturtium, wild mignonette, hedge mustardgarlic mustard
Wall brown Cock’s-foot, false brome, Yorkshire-fogwavy hair-grass

Here are two activities easy ideas from the Wildlife Trust to encourage butterflies into your garden or onto your balcony



To learn more about butterflies download the Wildlife Trust Grow a Secret Garden for Butterflies Pack 

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