If you found yourself struggling in the water unexpectedly, your instinct would tell you to swim hard. But cold water shock could make you gasp uncontrollably. Then you could breathe in water and drown. Instead, you should Float to Live.
The best way to float is to tilt your head back with your ears submerged. Try to relax and breathe normally. You can gently move your hands to help you stay afloat if you need to. Spread your arms and legs out to improve stability – and it’s OK if your legs sink, we all float differently. Once your breathing is under control, call for help or swim to safety.
5 steps to know how to float
However you end up in the water, if you end up in difficulty, Float to Live.
Tilt your head back with ears submerged
Relax and try to breathe normally
Move your hands to help you stay afloat
It’s OK if your legs sink we all float differently
Spread your arms and legs to improve stability
Remember it. Share it.
Make sure your loved ones know what do if they get into difficulty too. Help them learn how to float.