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Feel the grass

My name is Anne I am an Early Years Practitioner and trained Henry Facilitator and I run the Little Explorers sessions. We have been using Five to Thrive to look at how your baby’s brain grows better, when you do five simple things that feed the brain RESPOND, CUDDLE.RELAX, PLAY, and TALK

Last week I spoke about going outside with your baby. Well, how did you get on? Have you taken your baby outside? How did you feel? Have you met any of your family or friends?

I have been for a few lovely walks that I have discovered and met a friend in a park for a picnic. It was so nice to see her face to face and have a chat, sharing news with someone is so important. Realising that they’ve felt the same about the Pandemic helps make us feel we are not alone.

What if when you meet your family and friends they do not listen to you or just ignore you, that might make you feel upset, or show that they did not care? Would you keep trying or give up? It is not nice is it?

I had previously mentioned about the benefits of RESPONDING to you baby (Five to Thieve) I mentioned the benefits of going outside for yourself and your baby, how important it is to try going out for a walk every day.

When you do go for a walk with your baby, why not try this activity?

Feel the Grass (RESPOND)

Take off your baby’s shoes or socks and let them feel the grass with their toes. This is one of the easiest ways to enjoy outdoor play with your baby.

Some babies will love this others may not, so watch your child’s cues. If they do not like it then introduce it a bit more slowly.

Let them touch it with their hands, instead of their feet. Look around your environment and see what other textures would be interesting for your baby to touch. Here are some examples of fun things that you can have your baby touch when outside:

  • Grass
  • Sand
  • Pine cones
  • Water
  • Leaves
  • Rocks
  • Tree bark
  • Flowers


“Babies are aware and mesmerised by sounds and movement and there is no shortage of unique sounds, colours, lights, sensations and textures to take in and experience outdoors” www.babycenter.com

OWL Babies Courses

The ever changing nature of outdoors is so important for babies as they learn and gain experience through their senses.

Our OWL Babies courses for babies under 6 months provide time to learn how spending time outside with your baby supports healthy brain development, you can find out more about the course here keep an eye on our Timetable to dates for our next course.

For info on Five to Thrive and more activity ideas see the links below:




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