Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



Family Connect – free online sessions for parents and carers

Family Connects are one-off online events providing an opportunity to connect with other parents and carers via Zoom and learn about topics relevant to families and children aged 0-5. Plus you will share ideas in how to support children’s early education and each other.

The Connect sessions are free thanks to funding from the Department of Education.

Supporting children’s emotional wellbeing

7th February, 10 – 11am

Parents provide the main support to children’s emotional development. We will discover how you can help your children as they become people in their own right; learning to walk, talk and master other routines of daily life and how to help you manage children’s moods. Join us to understand what children need emotionally, and how best to encourage healthy emotional development.

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Building babies’ brains

23rd February, 10 – 11am

Did you know that in the first years of a child’s life their brains develop rapidly? In this Family Connect session we’ll discuss children’s early brain development and explore ideas to actively engage your child through everyday activities like playing, reading and being there when they feel stress. We’ll share information and ideas to support you to help your baby develop a healthy brain.

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Exploring schemas

6th March, 6 – 7pm

Have you noticed your child likes to throw food from their high chair at mealtimes? Or separate the different foods on their plate? Or maybe they like to move things from one place to another? It could be that your child is exploring a schema. Schemas are repeated patterns of play which help children to learn and make sense of the world. This session will explore what schemas are and the things you may observe in your children, as well as consider ways that you can support your child with simple activities you can do in the home.

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