Message from Lewisham Maternity Services:
“We have had to suspend our community breastfeeding antenatal classes until further notice. We are committed to ensuring that you still get the information that will help you make informed decisions and get the support you need to feed your babies.
We have put together a written antenatal infant feeding class with links to lots of videos and information about feeding. This is what would have been discussed if you had come to a class: Antenatal infant feeding class [pdf] 470KB
We are also aware that some mums will find it helpful to speak to someone to get feeding support. There are a range of support options below:
- You can get in contact with your community midwife and your health visitor who will be happy to provide help and support.
- National Breastfeeding Helpline: tel 0300 100 0212 (9.30am-9.30pm)
- Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: tel 0300 330 5453
- Breastfeeding Network: tel 0300 100 0210 (9.30am-9.30pm)
- La Leche League: tel 0345 120 2918
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT): tel 0300 330 0700 (8am-midnight)
- Bengali/Sylheti Line: tel 0844 856 4003″
Other useful links