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Latest News

Oral Health & Weaning

We have two online sessions coming up on Oral Health and Introducing Solid foods to your baby. During these sessions we will be sharing with you tips and information about caring for babies teeth, and introducing solid foods.  A babies first teeth may be small and temporary, but they’re important, as they act as placeholders for their adult teeth. Without a healthy set of baby

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Routines Week

Hello I’m Donna one of the Early Years Practitioners at our Children and Family Centre’s and I would like to say to all our families and friends that we hope you are all staying safe, healthy and emotionally resilient during these uncertain and challenging times. Each week we have being looking at ways to stay

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Support for those parenting as adoptive parents or foster carers

Louise Michelle Bomber is a specialist therapist, teacher and published author working in the area of trauma recovery for children and adolescents. In this video she seeks to support those parenting as foster carers, adoptive parents or kinship carers during this extraordinary season.   Louise will be posting videos every Wednesday at 10.30am on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OInJVfzvN9w 

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Benefits & Housing Advice

Benefits Advice  If you’ve been affected by coronavirus, you might be able to claim benefits or get more money on your current benefits.   This might be because you:   can’t work as you have coronavirus or you’re following guidance to stay home – this is called ‘self-isolating’   are earning less because you can’t go to work   are

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Parenting during Covid-19

We’re in complicated and uncertain times and families face many challenges and uncertainty.   With this in mind, we have put together some links to information from charities and organisations to support you with any parenting issues you might be experiencing or if your child’s display any behaviour you are finding challenging at this time.  You can also contact Lewisham Children and Family Centres for support by filling out the online enquiry form on the website homepage.     COVID-19

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