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Road Safety

This week is Road Safety week, the UK’s biggest road safety event, coordinated annually by Brake, the road safety charity. Someone is injured on a UK road every four minutes and vehicle speed plays a part in every crash. As we are all being encouraged to avoid public transport where possible and walking, cycling and

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Support Available

As we enter extra restrictions here is some information available for you and your family. How we can help? We are still available to help you and your family over this time, please get in touch via our contact us form and for more information see the following pages. www.lewishamcfc.org.uk/timetable/ www.lewishamcfc.org.uk/parenting-support/family-support/ www.lewishamcfc.org.uk/parenting/ www.lewishamcfc.org.uk/domestic-abuse/  

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What is Vitamin D?

Dear Parents and Carers I am Kathleen, a Family Outreach Worker with Lewisham Children & Family Centres.  My role is to support parents and carers to access services. I hope you are enjoying reading our posts and finding the information helpful. This week I would like to talk to you about Vitamin D. What is

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Mindful Families

Hello my name is Laura and I’m an Early Years practitioner and I facilitate some of the sessions at the children’s centres.     Hello my name is Cordelle, I’m a community outreach worker and I also facilitate some of the sessions at the children’s centres. We thought it would be nice to share with you

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