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Duplo Fun!

As part of National Week of Play, Lego have donated packs of Duplo to us. Come along to our regular Dads Stay & Play session which will have a Duplo focus this week. To book your place go to www.lewishamcfc.org.uk/booking-form or text or leave a message on 07377 724243   We are also running Duplo

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Child Accident Prevention Week – Choking, Strangulation and Suffocation

It’s such a scary thought that something could stop your child breathing. But, the steps to stop that happening are simple and make sense. Download the Choking, Strangulation and Suffocation Fact Sheet for more information.  Window blinds – it can take just 20 seconds for a toddler to die from strangulation with an unsafe window

Child Accident Prevention Week – Choking, Strangulation and Suffocation Read More »

It’s Carers Week

Many of us have caring roles within our family and friendship groups, caring for a child, partner, parent or sibling. You may be getting in a bit of shopping for a relative or friend a couple of times a week, helping a parent with dementia, looking after your young or adult child with a disability

It’s Carers Week Read More »

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