Welcome to the Lewisham Children and Family Centre Website



Jo Cooper

Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023

The Kings College Hospital Oral Health Promotion team will be hosting a Q and A session via Zoom for parents and carers on: Wednesday 14th June at 7.30pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/82637929602?pwd=bU9ZcWlhZ2hEY3VHWjJBL2cxU2VIdz09 Thursday 15th June at 2.00pm https://lewisham-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/86455649450?pwd=eWx6NnNYcHJ3UzBsWFpyYjg3cHdHZz09 Join them for a friendly and interactive session on how to look after your child’s teeth.      

Oral Health Q&A with Kings College Hospital – June 2023 Read More »

Top Tips For Sharing

Learning to share is an important part of your child’s development but it can be a complex thing for them to learn. It requires lots of social skills such as understanding how someone else feels, wanting to please someone else and understanding that your toy will come back to you. If you have more than

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Christmas Closure

Evelyn, Bellingham and Ladywell Children & Family Centres will be closed on Friday 23rd December and re-open on Thursday 5th January 2023. Sessions start on Monday 9th January, see timetable page for details Are you worried about the safety or welfare of a child? If you think a young person may be in immediate danger,

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