Getting back into work and training can be really difficult. Just knowing where to start, what skills are in demand and what you can access around family life can feel overwhelming. Questions about your entitlement to benefits can also make it feel really confusing.
The Supporting Families Initiative is an initiative between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the local authority that helps families access and maintain employment. DWP job centre advisors work closely with families to provide employment, training and benefit support.
If you would like support into employment/training or benefits advice, please speak to a Lewisham Family Hub Navigator, Social Worker, Family Practitioner or School to be referred to a Supporting
Families Employment Adviser!
Lewisham Works can help too
Lewishamย Works is a free service to support unemployed residents in to good jobs.
They work closely with training partners and businesses to provide pathways into a range of jobs in various sectors.
They offer:
- A dedicated Employment and Training Advisor
- Careers advice and guidance
- CV development, job application support and interview techniques
- Sector specific training
- Access to volunteering and work experience opportunities
- Access to vacancies and apprenticeships in Lewisham and the surrounding areas
- Financial advice to maximise the benefit of working
- Funds available for childcare and travel in the first few weeks of a new job
If you want to join Lewisham Works, please an advisor will be in touch with you.
If you are a business who would like to recruit local talent, then Lewisham Works can support you too at no cost to your business.
Further support
Community Connections list of groups and services that can support with Employability
Lewisham employment support and careers advice