Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Lewisham Services Website



A big welcome to all our Dads and male carers

It’s been great to see so many male parents and carers visiting our centres and website so we wanted to welcome you all.


Our Groups and Sessions

Dads are welcome at all of our sessions and groups. Whether that’s Stay & Play, Baby Massage or our parenting courses. Have a look at the Timetable Page so see if there is something that you’d like to enjoy with your child.

We also have one just for you to chat to our early years practitioners, have fun with your little ones and  meet other Dads. Book your place here.


There’s also lots of other support for Dad’s available.


Mindful Mums Being Dad

ZOOM Drop-in

Being Dad drop-in Zoom sessions are available to all Dads and male carers. There’s no need to book, simply log on when you can and chat to other expectant or current Dads for advice and support. Find out more:  email beingdad@blgmind.org.uk or telephone 07707 274391 for details of how to join in.


January – February Zoom course

Open to: dads and male caregivers during pregnancy/with babies up to two years old.

Please note: as this is a Lewisham-funded initiative, priority spaces are given to Lewisham residents, but the group is open to men from Greenwich and Bromley too.

When: Tuesdays, 8pm – 9pm, 17 January – 7 February 2023

Where: online via Zoom. Please contact us at beingdad@blgmind.org.uk  and we will send login details.


Future Dads


Who is it for?

If you’re a new dad, or expectant dad  in Lewisham, Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Southwark Future Dads is the course for you.

Future Dads covers a range of topics, including:

  • Practical skills: How to hold, feed, bathe, change and bond with your baby
  • Being a dad: Why dads are important and what kind of dad you want to be
  • Relationships: How having a baby can have an impact on relationships with your partner, friends and family
  • Self-care: How to look after your physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • A midwife will also be on hand to answer your questions about the birth and beyond!* (on full one day course*)

For more information email: efp@futuremen.org

To book on  to a course visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-dads-programme-formally-the-expectant-fathers-programme-tickets-464927389337?aff=ebdsoporgprofile


We’re gay, we’re Dads, we’re talking over a pint.

Wherever you are in your journey, you’re not alone: Other Dads are experiencing the same issues and worries, some have struggled along to a brighter place.

The group is inclusive and respectful. GayDads attending are out, in and every stage between; single, partnered, married, civilly-unioned, divorced etc.; Some guys had kids with an ex-wife, some are parents by surrogacy. We are every kind of ‘rainbow family.’

We find that meeting up now and again is fun and helps.

Wherever you’re at, at London Gay Dads Meetups there’s always a warm welcome.

Find out more 

Two happy Gay dads smiling - one black and one white laying fully dressed on a bed and holding up their baby


Download your copy of Becoming Dad – A guide for new fathers from the Fatherhood Institute


What’s in the guide

Here’s a summary of what the guide covers:

Chapter 1 – The science of ‘becoming Dad’

Chapter 2 – Looking after yourself

Chapter 3 – Supporting mum

Chapter 4 – Looking after your relationship

Chapter 5 – Getting to know your baby

Chapter 6 – Juggling work and home

Chapter 7 – What to do if you’re struggling


Join the Fatherhood Institute network to receive a free PDF of Becoming Dad.





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